How can I separate the AGND and PGND when doing layout for TPS923655 / TPS923654 / TPS923653 / TPS923652 in VSON or SOT-23-THN package?
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If you want to separate the AGND and PGND for TPS923655 / TPS923654 / TPS923653 / TPS923652 in VSON or SOT-23-THN package, you can refer to the below layout examples and their corresponding schematics for VSON package. Please pay attention to the single-point grounding connection between Pin1 (PGND) and Pin2 (AGND), which is represented by a 0Ω resistor in the schematics.
The layout for SOT-23-THN package is similar.
Boost connection:
Buck-Boost connection: