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BQ27546-G1: CC Offset can not write

Part Number: BQ27546-G1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQEVSW


I have a query need your help.

The cc offset can not write to data flash. The other parameters can write normal. 

I can not modify CC OFFSET directly using BQ STUDIO. Does it normal?



  • Hello Star,

    For many gauges this is calculated automatically and does not need to be modified. Please verify the calibration is needed before modifying the parameter.


    Wyatt Keller

  • Hi, Thank you for reply.The situation is like this: our client has already calibrated once, but there was an error in creating the SCENC file. Now they need to rewrite the SCENC file, just to burn it and directly overwrite the calibration parameters of systems such as CC OFF SET.

  • Hello Gang,

    The gauge may write over the programmed value depending on when it is read back. You should be able to manually write the CC offset in the SENC file, but the gauge will perform automatic calibration:


    Wyatt Keller

  • Hello Wyatt ,

    I have two  new question.

    First  question:" normal gas gauge operation when the I2C clock and data lines are low for more than 5 seconds and Average Current is less than Sleep Current in mA, then an automatic CC Offset calibration is performed. This takes approximately 16 seconds and is much more accurate than the method in Calibration mode"

    Automatic "CC offset" requires an average current lower than the sleep current because the "SENC file" is incorrect, so automatic calibration does not work as the average current of these batteries exceeds the sleep current. There are other solutions for automatic calibration.

    Second question: Can you provide an introduction to the senc file? I cannot find the values for "cc offset" and "board offset" in the senc file.  We attempted to analyze two different SENC files, and the only difference between the files was the cc offset. However, the difference between the two files exceeded two bytes, with a difference of approximately 30 bytes.


  • Hello Gang,

    The sleep current is programmed by the user, so the golden .senc file should have your application specific threshold which should allow for sleep.

    The .senc file in encrypted, you cannot manually edit values in the .senc files, you have to edit them in BQEVSW then export the new .senc file.


    Wyatt Keller