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TPS61023: Enable Pin tied to Vin

Part Number: TPS61023

I don't want to use EN pin. Can it be tied to Vin Pin so it is always in PU state when Vin is applied ?

if yes, Please also suggest suitable Resistance value between EN and Vin pin. Is 2kohm Enough ?


  • Hello Nick,

    You can connect EN to VIN, but you could as well add a resistor divider to EN to define when the converter is starting.

    At the start of a converter, it will draw relatively high current as it needs to charge the output capacitor to the target voltage. If you turn the device on at the moment when VIN is rising, it could happen that the UVLO of the device turns on, but then due to the high current, the input voltage drops as there is impedance in the source and the UVLO again turns the device off due to this.

    So you can connect it to VIN, you could even tie it directly, but I recommend placing a resistor divider in case you want to start up at a higher voltage than the UVLO voltage of the device.

    Best regards,

  • thanks very much.!!