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I'm having some issues with how the learning process of BQ33100 works. I have a BQ33100EVM DIV Kit connected to another MCU, and I'm using SMBus. But here's the thing, I can only start the learning process by using the manual learn command. Even though I set the learning frequency to 250, which should be every 10 minutes, it's not happening. And when I do trigger it the manual learn using 0x0023, it starts up, but then it gives me these weird numbers for capacitance and ESR, like 62296 and 32767.
I've 5 supercaps, each 5F 2.7V, all lined up in series, making a total capacitance of 1F, with an ESR of 225mOhm overall. I'm scratching my head wondering what's up with this learning command. Maybe I'm missing something or skipping a step. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Thank you,
Capacitance = 62296 F
Health = 100 %
Current = 500 mA
Operation Status: DSG=0, SS=0, FC=1, LTE=1, CHGOR=0, CB=0, LDTO=0, LCTO=0, LPASS=1, CL=0 , CFET=1
System Voltage = 15235 mV
Design Voltage = 10500 mV
Design Capacitance = 1 F
Init 1st Capacitance = 62296 F
Capacitance = 62296 F
Design ESR = 225 mohm
Initial ESR = 32767 mohm
ESR = 32767 mohm
Learning Frequency (250 is every 10 mins) = 250 weeks
Taper Current = 1
Taper Voltage = 140
Current Taper Window = 5
FC Set = 255
FC Clear = 255
Temperature = 2706 C
0x0A Current 0 mA
0x09 Voltage 10521 V
0x0B ESR 32767 mOhm
0x14 Charging Current = 500 mA
Charging Voltage = 2058 mV
Total Voltage = 10521 mV
Cap 1 Voltage = 2058 mV
Cap 2 Voltage = 2108 mV
Cap 3 Voltage = 2108 mV
Cap 4 Voltage = 2108 mV
Cap 5 Voltage = 2108 mV
Hey Ab,
Today's a federal holiday so no one is in the office. We will get back to you tomorrow.
Nick Richards
Sorry for the delay.
What is V learn max set to?
Can you share your .gg file?
Hi Evan,
Sorry, I didn't see earlier that you asked for .gg file.
I'm using the BQ33100EVM but don't have the EV2400. I think it connects with a desktop app to create the .gg file.
Please tell me which commands you need me to run. This way, I can give you all the details about this problem and you can help me with the trouble shooting.
Thank you,
This will be difficult to debug without this file.
Why does the Temperature read 2706C? Are you using an internal or external thermistor?
Have you configured V CHG MAX, V CHG Nominal, V CHG A, and V CHG B properly?
Did you see any improvement after fixing the temperature reading?
Was V_CHG_MAX specified by the battery manufacture? It is usually equal to V_LEARNED_MAX.
My whole setup includes 5 capacitors each with 2.7V and 5F capacitance giving a total capacitance of 1F and a total voltage of 13.5V. but the BQ33100EVM can only output specific voltages as shown below, so I am using 10.5V as my system voltage and 12.4V as my V_LEARNED_MAX andV_CHG_MAX. Unless I am missing something. I can't charge all the capacitors to 2.7V each for a total of 13.5V for learning.
Caps datasheet:
BCAP0005 P270 X01
Thank you,
I am unsure where the chart you are sending is coming from.
I recommend proceeding with the second set of value.
Can you ensure that FC Set % = -1 and that the FC flag sets (proper charge termination has occurred), which is required for capacitance learning.
I am referring to the FC flag in the OperationStatus Register. Is the FC flag set?
Is it possible for you to share a schematic of your set up?
as shown below the FC flag is set to 1 in the operation status.
and I am using the following dev kit from TI for testing.
I have an external stm32 connected via I2C/SMBus to the dev kit above with 5 supercaps of 5F in series.
Thank you,
Thats great I was hoping you were using an EVM! Can you share your .srec file currently on the gauge with the inaccurate capacitance and ESR.
Sorry miscommunication with Cameron, I thought the EV2400 had already been delivered.
Yes, you will need the EV2400 + EVSW to be able to pull the .srec file. one thing to note is that this device uses EVSW and not BQstudio.
Hey Ab,
Evan is currently out of office. He will return on Tuesday March 5th
Nick Richards
Did you install the EVSW on the BQ33100 product folder?
SLUC249 Support software |
Did you follow all steps in the BQ33100 users guide?
5.2/6 - bq33100 Super Capacitor Pack Manager EVM (
Hi Evan,
Thank you for your response.
I have installed the .exe file for BQEVSW and I'm able to read and write to the data flash, send commands and calibrate the DEV board.
.gg file
[Header] bq EVSW Version = 0.9.92 DeviceName = bq33100 v0.09 Time = 3/5/2024 3:18:49 PM [Voltage(Safety)] OV Threshold = 100 OV Recovery = 0 OV Time = 2 CIM Fail Voltage = 550 CIM Time = 10 CIM Recovery = 500 Min CIM Check Voltage = 1000 [Current(Safety)] OC Chg = 1000 OC Chg Time = 5 OC Chg Recovery = 900 CLBAD Current = 15 CLBAD Time = 60 CLBAD Recovery = 10 Current Recovery Time = 5 OC Dsg = 0F OC Dsg Time = 0F OC Dsg Recovery = 5 SC Chg Cfg = F4 SC Dsg Cfg = F7 SC Recovery = 1 [Temperature(Safety)] OT Chg = 68.0 OT Chg Time = 2 OT Chg Recovery = 63.0 [AFE Verification(Safety)] AFE Fail Limit = 100 AFE Init Retry Limit = 6 AFE Init Limit = 20 [Charge Cfg(Charge Control)] Chg Voltage = 10500 Chg Current = 500 Chg Enable Delay = 0 [Full Charge Cfg(Charge Control)] Taper Current = 3 Taper Voltage = 100 Current Taper Window = 2 FC Set % = -1 FC Clear % = 98 [Capacitance Balancing Cfg(Charge Control)] CB Threshold = 1500 CB Min = 5 CB Restart = 10 [Data(System Data)] Design Voltage = 10500 Manuf Date = 01-Jan-2023 Ser. Num. = 0001 Design Capacitance = 1.00 Init 1st Capacitance = 1.00 Capacitance = -32.43 Design ESR = 220 Initial ESR = 220 ESR = 26239 Manuf Name = Texas Inst. Device Name = bq33100 Init Safety Status = 0000 [Manufacturer Data(System Data)] Pack Lot Code = 0000 PCB Lot Code = 0000 Firmware Version = 0000 Hardware Revision = 0000 [Manufacturer Info(System Data)] Manuf. Info = 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE [Lifetime Data(System Data)] Lifetime Max Temp = 35.2 Lifetime Min Temp = 18.0 Lifetime Max Capacitor Voltage = 2700 [Registers(Configuration)] Operation Cfg = 0400 FET Action = 0000 Fault = 0000 [AFE(Configuration)] AFE State_CTL = 00 [Power(Configuration)] Flash Update OK Voltage = 4000 Shutdown Voltage = 4000 [System Requirement(Monitoring)] Min Power = 10 Required Time = 60 Min Voltage = 4000 [Charging Voltage(Monitoring)] V Chg Nominal = 10500 V Chg A = 10800 V Chg B = 11100 V Chg Max = 12400 V Learn Max = 12400 [Learning Configuration(Monitoring)] Learning Frequency = 2 Measurement Margin % = 1 Max Chg Time = 300 Max Dsg Time = 300 Learn Delta Voltage = 500 Cap Start Time = 320 [Current Thresholds(Monitoring)] Dsg Current Threshold = 10 Chg Current Threshold = 0 [Data(Calibration)] Current Gain = 0.885 CC Delta = 0.885 Cap1 K-factor = 5485 Cap2 K-factor = 18076 Cap3 K-factor = 19640 Cap4 K-factor = 26065 Cap5 K-factor = 20087 K-factor override flag = 9669 System Voltage K-factor = 24440 Stack Voltage K-factor = 24612 CC Offset = -1.14 Board Offset = 0 Int Temp Offset = 0.0 Ext1 Temp Offset = 1.9 Ext2 Temp Offset = 0.0 ESR Offset = 0 [Config(Calibration)] CC Current = 3000 Voltage Signal = 10500 Temp Signal = 298.0 CC Offset Time = 250 ADC Offset Time = 32 CC Gain Time = 250 Voltage Time = 1984 Temperature Time = 32 Cal Mode Timeout = 300 [Temp Model(Calibration)] Ext Coef a1 = -14812 Ext Coef a2 = 24729 Ext Coef a3 = -21265 Ext Coef a4 = 28353 Ext Coef a5 = 759 Ext Coef b1 = -399 Ext Coef b2 = 764 Ext Coef b3 = -3535 Ext Coef b4 = 5059 Ext rc0 = 11703 Ext adc0 = 11813 Rpad = 87 Rint = 17740 Int Coef 1 = 0 Int Coef 2 = 0 Int Coef 3 = -12263 Int Coef 4 = 6106 Int Min AD = 0 Int Max Temp = 610.6 [Current(Calibration)] Filter = 239 Dead Band = 5 CC Deadband = 2.9
My team and I are currently looking into this are trying to recreate the issue, please allow us some time.
I am struggling to recreate the error the capacitance and ESR error you are getting. Thank you for sending the .gg file, I have been using this since the .srec in unavailable. There is no update at the moment.