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BQ34Z100-G1: Questions About FC Set%, QMaxPassedQ, DOD0 PassedQ, and RC/FCC/SOC Calculations During Relaxation Mode/Charge Mode

Part Number: BQ34Z100-G1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO

Hello, I had a few questions about the FC Set%, values of QMaxPassedQ, Dod0PassedQ, and how SOC/FCC[Full Charge Capacity]/RC[Remaining Capacity) are updated during relaxation mode and charge mode:

1. The reference manual states, in the register description for the *Flags* register, that the FC bit represents the following:

" Full charge is detected. FC is set when charge termination is reached and FC Set% = –1 (see Section 3.7 for details) or StateOfCharge() is larger than FC Set% and FC Set% is not –1. True when set."

Section 3.7 lists the conditions that will consider the gauge to sense "Charge Completion", yet does not explain what FC Set % represents or how it is updated. Does anyone have any insight on this?

2. My understanding of the RC/FCC updates during discharge/charge are as follows. Please correct me if I am wrong:

a. During discharge, RC is updated every second using a voltage simulation that projects voltages at decrements 4% relative to the current DOD. These projected voltages derive from the projected OCV at the decremented DODx, which are corrected by the resistance at the decremented DODx, and the current running into or from the pack. The simulation iterates until the termination voltage is reached for discharge, and once this occurs, RCC is calculated to be: RC = (DODfin - DODstart) * Qmax, where Qmax is the maximum chemical capacity of the lowest capacity cell in the pack. FCC is updated at every grid point resistance update during discharge based on the delta between DOD0 before discharge was entered and QStart (DODCharge), the most recent updated RC, and the amount of charge integrated during the current discharge. 
b. During charge, RC is just updated every second based on the current RC plus the integrated charge over the last second. 

During charge, how is FCC updated? During relaxation, when a DOD update is made if the corrected OCV (correction based on calculated internal impedance of the cell at the current temperature and present current in the system) has changed in the last 100s (the interval at which OCV is updated after the relaxation wait period has elapsed), how does this modify the RCC/FC? Furthermore, if FC is based on the QMax of the lowest capacity cell, then how is it that FC and RCC are pack-level values rather than cell-level values?

3. If QMaxPassedQ is equivalent to 0, and DOD0PassedQ are equal to 0, does that mean that both the well relaxed condition (QMax is only updated in the well-relaxed condition. I am assuming that once it is reset to 0 it means that QMax has been recalculated) and the 30-minute relax wait period have passed? (DOD0 is only updated once 30 minutes in relaxation have elapsed). Furthermore, what does a value of -1 represent for these registers?

  • Hi,

    1) When Full charge is detected. If the FC Set% is a positive threshold, [FC] is set when SOC ≥ FC Set % and is cleared when SOC ≤ FC Clear % (default = 98%). By default, FC Set% = –1, therefore [FC] is set when the fuel gauge has detected charge termination.

    2) You have a good general understanding.

    3) QmaxpassedQ is the passed capacity since the last Qmax DOD update. Where have you seen DOD0passedQ documented? Please allow me sometime to find out what -1 represents.



  • Thanks for the response Evan. I have seen DOD0PassedQ in the BQStudio software register view. -1 was seen on a gauge that was reset while it was resting, so I believe it is likely that this is the default value of the passed capacity since the last DOD0 update.

    What we have observed is that one pack is able to update it's QMaxPassedQ and DOD0PassedQ to 0, which I believe indicates that it actually took an OCV reading for DOD0 and a DOD reading for QMax (meaning the well-relaxed condition was present) and correctly determine it's SOC while relaxed. The other pack incorrectly calculates it's SOC and it's QMaxPassedQ and DOD0PassedQ remains at -1. 

    Both packs Full Charge Capacity is the same, while what differs is the pack that does not update it's DOD0PassedQ or QMaxPassedQ and it's Remaining Capacity value is lower, such that relative to the Full Charge Capacity the SOC is detemined to be ~70%

    My questions from this are the following:

    1. Let's say you reset the gauge, and after reset it is in the relaxed state (there is no active charge or discharge). QMax requires *two* OCV readings in a well-relaxed state (one before and one after a charge or discharge), so after reset even if you take a well-relaxed OCV reading, what utility does this have for a QMax update if two well-relaxed OCV readings are required? 

    2. In a relaxed state, how are the FCC and RC calculated? Just from the DOD calculations?

  • Hi,

    1) After reset, on a relaxed battery, the gauge will take an initial ocv reading then after a charge or discharge of 37% a second ocv reading will be taken and Qmax will be calculated.

    2) FCC is calculated using a function of Qstart, RC, and Reserve cap. 



  • 1. So as this battery was coming out of reset, is it just default behavior that the QMaxPassedQ is set from -1 to 0 upon detection of a well relaxed condition? After reset, you only have made one well-relaxed OCV reading, and so not enough information is present to actually update QMax, yet it seemed QMaxPassedQ changes.

    For detection of the relaxed state after reset, does the gauge just immediately check that the current is below/above Quit Current (+) and Quit Current (-) to verify this is the current pack operating state? And if such a condition is present, then an initial DOD0 guess is made just off of the OCV reading? (I.E., what would update DOD0PassedQ from -1 to 0 after reset)

    2. Considering the case of a relaxed battery that has been reset, how is Remaining Capacity derived? Just from the DOD0 guess made and the Design Capacity?

  • Hi,

    1) This is most likely due to no passed charge accumulated.

    1.5) More info on Relax mode 3.2.8 - BQ34Z100-R2 Technical Reference Manual (Rev. A) (

    2) RemCap is a simulation ran by the gauge to estimate the capacity.

