Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS709, , LP2951
I am using LP2951CSD/NOPB in a production design. We receive many returns, with LP2951CSD/NOPB failing.
The input voltage is 22V and our output voltage is set to 18V. When it fails, usually the voltage never rises above ~4V.
During normal operation, the current load is ~30mA. However, During ATP, We load the output with 90 Ohms and current limit the output and measure around 14.4 V, which is expected based on the current limit in the datasheet, 160mA-200mA. We know that the datasheet states, “The LDO is not designed to operate in a steady-state current limit.”. Is this potentially damaging the part and producing latent failures? The power dissipation during this test is (22V-14.4V) * (14.4V / 90 Ohms) ~= 1.2W. The ideal JA thermal impedance in the datasheet is 43.3 K/W. However, per other conversations in the forum, that is ideal and can be much worse based on layout.
Our layout has a pad about 2X the die size and two large thermal vias, rather than many small thermal vias.The board has > 12 layers. The bottom layer is not a copper pour. Based on Figure 14 and 16 (4x4 body) of AN-1187, the range of thermal impedance goes from 43.3 K/W up to ~180K/W. Based on our layout, approximately what would our junction to ambient thermal impedance be?
With a thermocouple mounted on top of the package during this test, we measure around a 20C rise above ambient air temperature.
The part either fails completely or intermittently, usually at cold temperatures around -40C at power on.
When it is working, the startup voltages looks as below (going to 18V rather than 20V)
When it is not working, it gets stuck at around 5V and is pulling 80mA constantly, with the input voltage still being 22V.
Questions we have:
1.) Is putting the regulator in current limiting mode during acceptance testing damage the regulator
2.) What is the rough thermal impedance based on our layout
3.) Is there any reason why the regulator would fail at cold temperatures (-40C) but not higher temperatures?