I'm struggling a bit with MOSFET selection for a buck-boost converter built with the LM5175. (16-36V VIN, 24V VOUT at 10A) Web bench only seems to allow selection of particular sets of M1/M2 or M3/M4. When I choose the M1 I want, the M2 FET that comes with it is not adequate for the design (conduction losses are too high in buck mode at max Vin. I would like to choose a different FET there, but that forces a change to M1 as well, which I don't want.
Further complicating things, the datasheet doesn't mention how to calculate the switching losses for the M2 (QL1) FET, just the conduction losses:
Since WebBench seems to force me to pick a FET with a relatively high RDSon but lower gate charge for M2 given my M1, I assume the switching losses are significant for this FET in at least one mode of operation. Is there a way to get the FET combinations I want in WebBench or an equation to manually calculate my losses for M2? (Note: I haven't started looking at M3/M4 yet, but they are also linked and the options available to choose from are limited depending on what I choose for M1/M2)