Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24074
Dear TIer,
Customer is designing with BQ24072. Below are some questions. May i get your reply ? Thanks!
1. Is the mosfet(Q1) circuit between Vin pin with OUT pin is an Anti-Reflux circuit ?
We are afraid there is some voltage in Vin when the Vin is unconnected and Vout connects a loads.
2. IINMAX=0.5A but the loads (Out-pin connected) may need a 1.5A sourcing supply sometimes.
Does BQ24072 could adjust the battery to discharge immediately when this situatiation happened? How long the reaction time for this process?
3. How quick the CHG stutus changed when status changed ? No data in specification.
Appreciate for kindly reply . And we also hope if you can recommend other item which has more popular for this application.Below is request for our charge :
1. Linear , Icharge max=500mA
2. Include CE pin
3. Include Termination Current Programming pin