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TPS54240: Is it possible to use the same Stencil existing Power pad(UTL2/ASESH) and new power pad (HFTF)

Part Number: TPS54240


Dear Specialists,

My customer has a relative question.

I would be grateful if you could advise.


The existing power pad (UTL2/ASESH) and the new power pad (HFTF) have different power pad sizes.

Can the same stencil be used for the new power pad (HFTF) and the existing power pad (UTL2/ASESH)?

If not, please let me know the recommended stencil dimensions for the new power pad (HFTF).


I appreciate your great help in advance.

Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Please use the recommended footprint for the package which you use in the application. Package dimensions and other information can be found in Section 12 of the device datasheet and footprint models can be downloaded on the product folder:

    Best regards,


  • Hi Ridge,

    Thank you for your reply.

    The PCN indicates that the size of the power pad varies depending on the factory.

    According to the PCN, the dimensions of the power pads in the HFTF factory are different.

    The new power pad dimension is already reflected in the datasheet.

    Question (1) The customer has created stencils with the dimensions of the existing power pads.

    Is it possible to apply this directly to the new power pads?

    Question (2) If you have any pattern design and metal mask design information that is compatible with both the old and new heat dissipation pads, could you please let us know?

    Power Pad of OLD version  Stensil dimension x 1.88mm x Y1.57mm

    Power Pad of NEW version  Stencil dimension x 1.89mm x Y1.83mm


    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Shinichi,

    You will need to use the stencil size recommended in the datasheet for the device. In the case of the larger pad, the stencil needs to be adjusted as recommended in the datasheet. 

    Best regards,


  • Hi Ridge,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Additional questions are listed below,

    Could you please advise?


    (1) Does this mean that a different power pad package (HFTF) cannot be mounted on a board that matches the existing UTL2/ASESH power pads?

    (2) The latest datasheet lists the dimensions of the HFTF package.
    Does this mean that only HFTF packages will be produced in the future.

    (Currently, the TPS54240 is only available in a DGQ package.

    If one package type name has two different power pad packages and continues to be produced, the customer will have to prepare two board layouts and stencils.

    This is very unreasonable.


    I appreciate great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hello

    I will speak with our product engineers and get back to you as soon as possible.


  • Hi Frank,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I'm looking forward to waiting your reply.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Frank,

    This is just a reminder I'm looking forward to waiting your answer.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hello

    I will speak again to our product engineer.


  • Hi Frank,

    Could you please give me an update on the situation.

    The customer is waiting for the response.

    I hope to hear from you soon

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hello

    Here is the response from our package engineer:

    Customer is asking for pin 10 design.

    So I put our PCB land pattern recommendation as below:


    The grey area is the pad and the green area is the solder mask opening.

    "land pattern example" has pads drawn with solid grey outer lines and solid green inner lines.


  • Hi Frank,

    The customer's inquiry is about the TPS54240DGQ.

    Also, there is no RDN package for the TPS54240.

    Could you please see below and confirm your package engineer again.

    The information from the PCN(20200402000.1)

    According to the PCN, the HFTF site has been added to the existing UTL2/ASESH site for the TPS54240DGQ.

    The difference is that the dimensions of the power pad are different.

    The customer is creating boards and stencils using power pads produced at the existing UTL2/ASESH site.

    The package drawing for the HFTF site has not yet been updated to the datasheet.

    Question (1): Is it possible to use these power pads and stencils for packages produced at the HFTF site?

    The package dimension for the HFTF site has not yet been included in the datasheet.

    Question (2): Please let me know if there are stencil dimensions that can be used in common between the power pads on the UTL2/ASESH site and the power pads on the HFTF site.

    Question(3); If it is not possible to use a common board and stencil, it is necessary to specify the factory where the boards will be manufactured.

    It is necessary to prepare two types of boards and stencils, which is unreasonable.


    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hello

    Thank you for your patience.  I have contacted our package team.


  • Hi Frank,

    We have just received a reminder from our client. They've been waiting a month and still haven't heard back, they are frustrated.

    Therefore, we would like you to respond as soon as possible.

    Please contact us by the end of this week at the latest.

    If this is not possible, please let us know when you will be able to respond.

     I expect to hear from you within the week.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hello

    I will try to elevate this issue.


  • Hi Frank,

    I am sorry for rushing you, but please respond to my email as soon as possible.

    The customer wants to know when does the answer provide.

    Could you please give me an update on the situation?

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Frank,

    The customer is still looking forward to waiting the answer soon.

    I have to report the situation to the customer.

    Could you please provide an update on the situation.

    Also could you please let us know if there is a reason why you cannot answer.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,


  • Hello

    Here is the reply from our packaging group:

    Question (1): Is it possible to use these power pads and stencils for packages produced at the HFTF site?

    The package dimension for the HFTF site has not yet been included in the datasheet.

    [SMT]: Please use original UTL2/ASESH PCB land pattern and stencil for HFTF site.

    Question (2): Please let me know if there are stencil dimensions that can be used in common between the power pads on the UTL2/ASESH site and the power pads on the HFTF site.

    [SMT]: Please use original UTL2/ASESH PCB land pattern and stencil for HFTF site.

    This is common questions from the field in regards to Overhang/Underhang concerns.

    I put below table for your reference:





    Overhang / Underhang





    Underhang within spec





    Overhang within spec

    Unit: mm

    [SMT]: Please use original UTL2/ASESH PCB land pattern and stencil for HFTF site.

    Question(3); If it is not possible to use a common board and stencil, it is necessary to specify the factory where the boards will be manufactured.

    It is necessary to prepare two types of boards and stencils, which is unreasonable.

    [SMT]: Please use original UTL2/ASESH PCB land pattern and stencil for HFTF site. There is no need to prepare 2 types of boards and stencils.


  • Hi Frank,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I'll share the answer with the customer.

    I hope the answer will be accepted by the customer.

    If they have an additional question, I consult you again.

    I appreciate your great help and cooperation.

    Best regards,
