We have designed Isolated Class 6 POE power supply as per reference schematics PMP22494AP(001)_Sch.PDF.(Flyback design using secondary side regulation).
Output is 12V/4A.
RJ45 pins Pair 1 = 1-2 (DC+) & 3-6 (DC-).
Pair 2 = 4-5 (DC+) & 7-8 (DC-).
In the design APD pin is connected to PGND and PPD pin is left open.
The design is not working on POE++ ( Class 6. The PSE device detects class 4 and does not provide power above 30W.
I am not able to draw output current above 2A. The PSE shutdown as load increases above 2A.
I have put in my design Classification resistors CLSA = 31.7 ohms (27 ohms + 4.7ohms) & CLSB = 130 ohms (120ohms + 10 Ohms).
But PMP22494 schematics has 31.6 ohms on CLSA and CLSB to VSS.
Which is correct?
What would be the reason for PSE not switching to class 5 or 6 ?
Are there any another programmable pins to configure for class 5 or 6 ?