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TPS25751: USB-C DRP PD Upstream facing charger for Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 with USb 3.x hub

Part Number: TPS25751
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB8043, , TUSB8043A, TUSB8020B


Designing a Peripheral that interfaces with a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7/8. The Tab S7/8 is the main controller. The peripheral is DRP either drawing power from the Tab7/8 or charging the Tab 7/8 with 9V @ 3 amps.

There will also be a hub

Parts being considered are TPS25751 and TUSB8043

Downstream of hub are:

USB-C 3.x port for thumb drives 5V@1A or less

USB-A 3.x port for video capture card 5V@1A

Feasible design or are there better selection of parts?

  • Hi,

    How many ports are on the system you're designing? Are the Hub and Peripheral two separate designs that will interface with each other or are they both the same device? 

    For the USB Type-C and PD port, based on the requirements you listed (DRP and looks like USB 3.x) TPS25751 is a good fit for the PD controller. I'll forward this thread to the appropriate team on the TUSB8043 recommendations. 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Connections


                             +  Peripheral                                   |-----USB-A connector to Capture Card

    Tabs7/8 ----------USB-C   connector --|---  Hub ----|---- USB-C connector to thumbdrive

                                                                 | --- PD Controller

  • recommend to use  TUSB8043A  which is USB3.2 .

    Hub upstream port can only be UFP and downstream port  is only  DFP.



  • Hi,

    Do you have a 2 port suggestion, such as TUSB8020B, if not what do you suggest to connect the unused port pins to? gnd or...?


  • TUSB8020B should work if only two ports needed.

