LM5050-2: Use of LM5050-2 for 12V oring applications

Part Number: LM5050-2
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS2411



As per the datasheet, LM5050-2 is a wide input voltage operation range IC (Recommended Vin: 6V to 75V). But primarily, it appears to be best suitable for 48V power supplies applications.

Is it feasible to use LM5050-2 Oring FET Controller for 12V CRPS (Common Redundant Power Supply) applications as well.

Or do you recommend using TPS2411 instead for 12V CRPS applications.

Kindly suggest the better ORing controller for 12V CRPS application with a reason.

  • Hi PP,

    LM5050-2 will work fine even with 12V rail. 

    You can also consider using LM74703/4-Q1.

    Usage of TPS2411 depends on the input power supply as it has a very tight abs-max rating. If any kind of transients are expected, it can be hard to use.

    LM5050-2 does not support reverse polarity protection. Hence if your use case has a chance of reverse connection, it might not be useful.

    LM74703/4-Q1 offers reverse polarity protection as well and are automotive devices and are meant to sustain transients with help of some TVS.


    Shiven Dhir

  • Thank you Shiven for your recommendation.