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UCC21732-Q1: Mounting on Insulated metal substrate circuit (IMS)

Part Number: UCC21732-Q1


Dear E2E Design Support,

Would you recommand the mounting of this driver on IMS circuit or not ?

The possible issue should be linked to the capacitive coupling: is the metal core could make a current leakage between the insulated signals pathway ?

Thank you in advance.


  • Hi LM,

    is there a block diagram representation of the IMS circuit for the gate driver implementation? 

    i am not sure of which signal coupling you are worried about and how the capacitor coupling will impact. 



  • I experienced start-up with shutdown of the circuit.

    I found that I made a mistake with the circuit of the gate driver: I wired the mosfet for the external active clamp to the COM in place of VEE. That's error leads to a COM to VEE short circuit.

    After removing these mosfet, some circuit works fine (despite of the ISM) and others not (COM-VEE 11V overvoltage may be due to sink failure).

    For information, here is the ISM layers stack-up:

    - ISM core with 2mm aluminium, copper over 100µm insulation layer (aluminium is the secondary side)

    - Plus second copper layer over 100 to 150µm insulation layer (not sure that is prepreg).

    - Not PTH, only D100µm microvias.

    - obviously assembly only on primary side

    I asked some weeks ago to this forum if it will be an issue. The answer was that it is not recommanded.

    The issue should be eddy currents in the aluminium metal core and an overload of the circuit. I will test it to see if it is ok with full power gate drive...

  • Thanks for keeping us posted of the issue (CLMP pin short to COM instead of VEE). Yes please keep us posted of your test results.