TPS25730: TPS25730 Powered with in-compatible power adapter with does not supports PD.

Part Number: TPS25730



In one of our design we have configured TPS25730DREFR as mention below

ADCIN1: To set the Minimum Voltage = 9V
Rup = 100K
Rdown = 4.7K
ADCIN2: To set the Maximum Voltage = 15V
Rup = 100K
Rdown = 100K
ADCIN3: To set the Operating Current = 2.5A
Rup = 100K
Rdown = 12K
ADCIN4: To set the Maximum Operating Current = 3A
Rup = 100K
Rdown = 100K

Please clarify 

1. Will the power path be enabled if we use a 5V/3A adapter that doesn't support PD?

2. By default will the internal power path MOSFETs are enable or do you have any Conditions?

Thanks & Regards, 

Gayathri Palla.

  • Hi Gayathri,

    1. No, the TPS25730 is compatible with legacy Type-C connections and will enable the power path for non-pd 5V/3-A adapters.

    2. By default the internal power path MOSFETs are disabled. A valid USB Type-C or USB Type-C PD contract must be negotiated before the power path is closed.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi,

    This negotiation will occur according to the ADCINX configuration. We have set the minimum voltage to 9V, the maximum voltage to 15V, the operating current to 2.5A, and the maximum current to 3A. Therefore, in the 5V/3A condition, the negotiation will fail, and the power path will not be closed. Is that correct? Please clarify.


    Gayathri Palla.

  • Hi Gayathri,

    The maximum voltage setting is the maximum voltage that the TPS25730 will accept and negotiate. The minimum is reflected in the capabilities mismatch bit, but does not prevent lower voltage contracts from being negotiated.

    In the 5V/3A non-pd negotiation, the TPS25730 will negotiate a non-pd contract adn the power path will be closed. As mentioned above, the TPS25730 is compatible with legacy Type-C contracts(non-pd) and will close the power path for these contracts.

    Thanks and Regards,
