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I apply VBIAS (5V) first, and then VIN much later. Is TPS74801 able to drive PG low with only VBIAS applied?
Hi George,
If only VBIAS is applied and VIN is not present, there will be no VOUT. The PG output is high-impedance when VOUT is greater than VIT + VHYS. If VOUT drops below VIT or if VBIAS drops below 1.9 V, the open-drain output turns on and pulls the PG output low. So, in the absence of VOUT, PG pin will be low with only VBIAS applied.
Best regards
Just to confirm, only VBIAS is required by TPS74801 to drive the PG output low? That is, the internal PG open-drain transistor circuit can be solely powered from VBIAS (with no dependency on VIN)?
That is not what I meant. If VBIAS is present but VIN is absent, then VOUT will be 0V. As long as PG is connected to any 5.5-V or lower rail through an external pullup resistor, the comparator for the PG function will trigger and drive the FET to force PG low.
Hi George. The circuit that drives the FET to force PG low is powered from VBIAS. So VIN is not needed to drive the PG FET Low