We have an external thermistor interfaced to TS pin, for cell temperature measurement. Attached image provides the NTC conversion details.
For 25°C, the resistance is 9900 ohms, with equivalent voltage of 0.595V. The reference voltage is 1.8V, and the internal pull-up resistance is 20kΩ.
The below calculation is used to calculate
Voltage = (ref_volt(1.8) * resistance(9900) )/ (resistance(9900) + pull resistance (20000));
ADC = Voltage * (65535) 16bit value / (ref_voltage(1.8))
As per the above calculations, 16-bit ADC value for 25°C = 21699. But for 25°C, the ADC value read from AFE is 5945.
Can you please confirm on the calculations and reason for the difference in ADC values?.