We are designing a small wearable sensor that is using the WPC standard to charge the battery. We have the bq51013 eval board but we are using a smaller receiving coil (about 25mm x 14 mm). I want to calculate the capacitor values for the resonance circuit so I used the formulas in the bq51013 app note. (Which agrees with the WPC instructions!)
As a sanity check, I reversed the equation with the eval board capacitior values and the receiving inductor valves from the Vishay data sheet. Vishay claims the inductance is 9.7 uH which agrees with our measurement (10 uH). However, when I used the cap values on the eval board (183 nF and 1900 pF for C1 and C2 respectively), the computed values for Ls' = 13.8 uH and Ls = 13.4 uH.
I realize the Ls' is the receiver coil inductance on the receiving coil test fixture which explains the higher inductance but Ls should be the free air inductance. I expected the free air inductance to be closer to the published (and measured) inductance. Since TI went to the trouble to put multiple capacitors in parallel on the eval board to "tweek" the values, I suspect that the resonant frequency is important.
The bq51013 eval board works too well to have missed the inductance by that much. What am I missing?