We are using TL4242-Q1 for one our application. Maximum supply voltage is 18V LED drop is 3.2V and LED current is 80mA. its 2 layer board( no power plan). When am trying to calculate power dissipation its exceeding the rated value. Even i have tried varying PWM duty cycle also still am not success.
Following formula used power calculation
Power dissipation=Vin-VLED drop-Vref)*ILED*duty cycle+Vin*Iq
Power dissipation=0.944
Where Vin=18V, VLED=2.8V, Vref=168mV ILED=80mA Iq=22mA
Allowed maximum power dissipation is from datasheet for JEDEC 51-7 PCB is 0.63W
Please advice .