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We are currently evaluating the TPS65070 PMIC, using the TPS65070 EVM,
And we wonder how could we get 3.3V on VDCDC1 outpout, we wish also to turn on a LED when the battery voltage is weak ( battery almost empty). Any help will be appreciated.
I enabled the DCDC1 converter trough the CON_CTRL1 (I enabled all the converters ), in DEFDCDC1 I put 3.3V, and I put the DCDC1_ENABLE jumper high.
Thank you for your help
You can enable the DCDC1 and change the voltage on DCDC1 via I2C. Upon applying power to AC or USB check SYS and insure that it is roughly either AC or USB voltage. Tie POWER_ON high. You may also push PB_IN button.
When using the GUI make sure that you are clicking the 'W' button to write to the device.
If you are still unable to enable the DCDC1 check the bottom left on the GUI to insure that the EVM has made the bridge to the USB-GPIO box.
Yes Michael, I already done all those steps many times, every things seems ok, but when I check VDCDC1 ouput with a multimeter it never exceds 0.8V and the SYS output always gives around 5V (for the moment I'm using no battery, I'm power the chip directely from the USB input) .
Measure the switch node and verify that is is switching. Measure and verify that POWER_ON is high. Compare the start up with the timing diagram.
Is it possible that you could have overvoltaged the device and damaged it? How are you applying power? If you have another EVM you can possibly try that one.
If you are using the software, reset the I2C box by unplugging it and plugging back in. Update the firmware if needed.
You can share with me these measurements and show me the SYS and USB nodes too.
What is the hex value of register 0x10 before you try to enable and change the DCDC1 voltage and after you attempt to enable and change the voltage with I2C?