I am using TPS65131RGET dc dc converter in a proto development module. It was observed that, +15V Converter section often fails during start-up. But -15V section will not have any issue. It is observed that, during fail condition, the output voltage at +15V terminal output is +4.3V. Which means the boost converter switch (Internal to IC) is not switching. During power ON, output voltage tries to reach  +15V but again it falls down to +4.3V immediately.
During Initial Power ON, +15V terminal output reached approximately +16V andthen settle down to +15V or +4.3V.I have Disabled the Power Save mode for +15V Converter section. I don't understand, What will be the route cause for this problem.

I have selected Cp, Cn and feedback resistors as per recommendation given in datasheet.

Test Condition:
> Input Inductor = 6.8uH
> Actual output load (@+15V terminal) = 50mA (Aprrox.)

> Input capacitor = 47uF (1Qty), 4.7uF (1 Qty), 0.1uF (1Qty)

> Output Capacitor = 47uF (1 Qty), 4.7 uF(3Qty)

Any Suggestions please.....