I am evaluating the UCC25230 "flybuck" converter, and having little success achieving the desired efficiency. The eval board has been modified from the design values (5V rails instead of 12V, lighter loading, 23-25V input range). The modified design fucntions well, is comensated properly, but does not achieve anywhere close to the 60%+ efficiency shown on the datasheet efficiency vs. power output curves (extrapolated for 24V input). instead it is running below 50% for 50mA load (total of both rails, Iout1=15mA, Iout2=35mA).
I am not using the Coilcraft MA5401 220uH coupled inductor that comes populated on the eval board (5 ohms DCR, coupling > 0.99). Instead I am using Ice P/N XT01 transformer (100uH, 0.6A, 320mohms DCR, 150nH Llkg, 10V*us). Does anyone have any insights into what parameters of the inductor other than DCR could contribute to the poor efficiency? BTW, design calulations per TI app notes call for >= 30uH @ 50mA, 400kHz switching frequency.
Thanks to anyone who has any answers.