Dear TI E2E,
I am designing the flyback adaptor with UCC28600. Some parameters: Vin_min = 80VDC, D_max = 0.47, Vo' = Vout + Vf = 19 + 1 = 20VDC.
But i wonder how to right calculate n = Npri/Nsec.
Following slup127.pdf TI's document, n = Vin_min/Vo'*D_max/(1 - D_max) = 3.54
Following SLVC104I.xls, n = 7.2 is recommended and n = Vxfmr/Vo' and Vxfmr = 142V is recommended
So could you help me to understand what is Vxfmr and how to calculate it? Vxfmr = Vin_min + n*Vo' is it true?
Which document can i use to calculate the turns ratio of transformer, n?
Thank you,