I have bought a TPS2359 dev kit. The board came up successfully after executing the steps mentioned in the user manual. One functionality I was trying to demonstrate is asymmetric power/current sharing
Channel A, B incoming voltages are 12V (identical)
Total output load current : 6A. Single load shared by Channel A,B output
Channel A : 40% => 2.4A
Channel B : 60% => 3.6A
When current limit for channelA is set to 2.4A (less than 3A), channelA pass FET shuts off due to overcurrent (OC) fault. From this behaviour, my understanding is that only 50-50 (equal) sharing is possible between the OR-ed channels. When the current limit for a channel is set below 50% of the load current, channel gets shut off
Is the above finding correct? Or is there a way to enable asymmetric sharing?