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MPPT-Based Lead Acid Charger Using bq2031

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ2031, TLC27L2, BQ24650


I am looking to design circuit for battery charger with solar panels. I have choosed to go with MPPT based battery charging method. When i am searching in internet i got one pdf file which contains Simple MPPT-Based Lead Acid Charger Using bq2031. I am planning to built this circuit and test.

My requirement is charging lead acid battery with 12V ,60A/hr


I have doubt in this circuit :

1)    BQ2031 having three different algorithm inbuilt. Which is the best algorithm to choose with solar panel MPPT based charging ?

In that PDF its selectable, but what basis i need to select each algorithm . Like i wanted to know the selection criteria .

2)   There are so many option are provided to choose RB1 as well as IGSEL? What is the selection criteria and any link between the algorithm.

3)   In that circuit they didn't mention NTC( thermistor value) , What is the best value i can choose?( whatever i have already used the type of battery, it didn't have inbuilt thermistor)




  • The circuit in the app note is simply the EVM for this IC:

    Please read the user's guide and the datasheet and see if they answer your questions.

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I got answer for my 3rd question. but first two questions i didn't get the answer.

    In that datasheet, there is no comparision between algorithm vise and more ever they didn't specify the selection criteria for the algorithm.

    I am still confused with selecting the algorithm , there is no difference in application vise.( Like: all are going to charge the lead acid battery only).

    Is there any criteria for selection of algorithm based upon the battery make or battery manufacturer will specify the method of charging ?

    In this pdf Simple MPPT-Based Lead Acid Charger Using bq2031,

    They are showing some datas in table 1  but they didn't mentioned what was the jumper setting  ?




  • Thank you for clarifying your question.  So, you would like to know how one would choose between the algorithms 2 step voltage, 2 step current, and pulsed current?

    The IGSEL pin sets the termination level or the maintenance current level.  From the datasheet,

    This three-state input is used to set I

    MIN for fast charge termination in the Two-Step Voltage algorithm and for maintenance current regulation in the Two-Step Current algorithm. See Tables 3 and 4.

    On the EVM, there are many choices for RB1 in order to accommodate many different numbers of series lead acid cells.  For your design, a single RB1 is needed, selected as described in the datasheet on page 7.

  • All 3 charging algorithms will charge a lead acid battery properly.  The main reason to use one or the other would be to try to prolong the battery life by preventing/removing accumulation on the plates.  By exercising the battery (as done in 2-step current and pulsed current), accumulation is reduced or prevented.  Table 1 in the datasheet details the operation of each algorithm.  Here is a summary:

    2-step voltage is the basic charging algorithm.  This is fine if the battery is frequently discharged and then recharged.

    2-step current exercises the battery a little bit by varying the charging current during maintenance mode.  A key difference with 2-step current is the fast charge termination method of reaching Vblk or having a -delta^2 V event, which can be an issue in noisy environments.

    pulsed current exercises the battery the most by varying the maintenance current between Imax and zero, as well as allowing the voltage to travel between Vblk and Vflt.  This is the best option to use if the battery will not be used very often (i.e. battery backup).

    The battery manufacturer should have an idea how fast accumulation will occur on the plates.  They may also have a recommended charging algorithm for their batteries in your application.

  • Hi,

    My battery having 6 cells. So now i am able to select RB1 value.

    Thank you very much.... You really helped to understand the basic prinpciple of lead acid battery charging methods or algorithms.

    I will start build this circuit very soon. if i face any problem , i will come back to you.





  • hi ,


    I Planned to test this board. SO i did PCB desgin and purcahsed some of the components from this circuit.

    When i planning to purchase the components, i come to know the the P-channel MOSFET (MTP23P06VG) is obsoleted.

    Can you help me to know  the alternative components for this. Because partially purchased and builded i am about begin the test.





  • It just needs to be a P-channel FET with sufficient size to handle the power loss and sufficient voltage rating to handle the input voltage.  What is your input voltage?

    Here is a 30V FET that should work: On  MTP50P03HDL

  • HI Chris,


    Please can you Help me with the Gerber files of BQ2031 Based EVM for Lead acid battery charging.  If Possible please  give me the gerber files and circuit for board  in which MPPT current loop is added.  Also if there is may soln with N-Channep Mosfet insted of P- Fet.




  • Hi,


    Can I also have  gerber and bom list of the evulation module?




  • Here are the gerbers and BOM for the DV2031S2 EVM.  I do not believe a special board was built to evaluate the MPPT circuit.  I think the components were simply wired into the existing circuitry.

    I am not aware of any design that uses an N-channel FET.  This is more difficult due to the gate drive requirement being above any voltage already on the board.




  • hello chris ,

    DV2031S2 EVM gives me specifications what i needed i.e. 2.5 A , 12 V as you have used R20=0.10 ohm.

    In your design of "Simple MPPT-Based Lead Acid Charger Using bq2031" you added a current control loop to implement the MPPT using the operational amplifier TLC27L2.b ut that is for 1 A  design. what changes i have to do in that current control loop so that it fulfill my requirement of 2.5 A.




    Thanks and regards,

    Arjun Pal

  • You just need to change the sense resistor that sets the charging current.  The MPPT circuit works by looking at the input voltage and reducing the charge current until the input voltage is regulated to the set value.  So, it does not regulate nor care what the absolute value of the charge current is.  It will either reduce the charge current to try to increase Vin or allow the full charge current if Vin is still above the setpoint.

  • hello chris,

    Please complete the BOM list with the current loop resistor as i can't see from the drawing the exact values.  Today i started the work on this project, if any questions i'll try to post them here. Thank you.

  • R20 was 0.2 Ohm for the app note circuit.  This is a power resistor that needs to be able to dissipate (250mV)^2/0.2Ohm of power.  So, about a half Watt resistor.  I am not sure what exact part number was used here but any 0.2 Ohm half Watt resistor made for current sensing should work.

  • hello chris,

    thanks for your reply.

    i have some doubt regarding the design.

    1- The level translator  circuit used between mod output and PFET base .How to design it .there is no description given in datasheets so can you help me to understand it.

    2- I am using a solar panel for charging the battery and its rating is 30 W,working current is 1.67 A,and short circuit current is 1.9 A. So what should  be the Imax


    thanks and regards


  • I am sorry but we do not have any design file for generating the level shifter circuit.  You can use what is on the EVM and then tweak it for your specific case.  Basically, the point of this circuit is to not exceed the gate source rating of the FET, especially when the FET is turned on.  With a 30V input, the gate cannot be pulled all the way to ground to turn it on, so a circuit must be added to only pull it down 15V at most.  The 15V zener, D2, accomplishes this.  The circuit also amplifies the bq2031's gate driver capability so that the FET may be switched on and off quickly with few switching losses.

    Your fast charge current depends on what voltage your solar cell outputs and what voltage you pack is.  The current from the solar cell will be the input current to this buck converter which equals the charge current * pack voltage divided by input voltage from the panel times an efficiency.  Iin = Vbat * Ichg / (Vpanel * eff).  Your fast charge current also depends on what the batteries can handle.

  • Please take a look at the app note below for the bq24650:

  • hello chris,

                       I have made the battery charger controller for a max 2 A current and i am using PWM charging algorithm in it. my pv panel has rating V(operation)=16V ,Isc(Short circuit current)=1.7 A

    1-My first doubt is how i should go for efficiency calculation. what i did ,i took a variable load across the output of battery charger controller and by varying load i was taking the output voltage and current  and also input voltage and current. so i started from high load(500 ohm) and make it lower the current at this point was only 0.05 A around  and  and upto 70 ohm current didnt change very much and output voltage was just 1V below from input voltage.but as i go below 50 its changing pretty fast current starts increasing and voltage starts decreasing but around 30 ohm the battery charge controller suddenly gone into Fault state so i cudnt able to get the maximum efficiency calculation .

    2- when i am charging one 20 Ah battery  from PV panel through battery charger controller.i check  input V=13.4 V,I=1.5 V  and output voltage V=12V,I=1.4 A for battery charger controller.

    Now i want to use MPPT (maximum power point tracking) so i applied mppt ckt and i design it for mppt  voltage=15.5 V 

    so when i applied it there the input voltage change to 15.5 V and current was around the same(as it was on constant current  in I V curve of PV and this shows its taking power from solar panel at higher efficiency) and out put voltage was still 12 V .

    My question is how does mppt is efficient for battery charging as it is still giving almost same current and same voltage  to the battery as in the case of without using mppt.

    please help me .

    thanks and regards 


  • 1) Yes, efficiency is Vbat * Ichg / (Iin * Vpanel).  But for a solar charger, you don't care about efficiency but instead about delivering the maximum power to the battery.

    For a battery charger, you can't just use a resistor as the load.  You need a voltage source that can sink current.  This can either be a 4-quadrant power supply or a 1 quadrant power supply and a load.  Figure 2 in this user's guide shows how to emulate a battery:

    2) What was the battery current with your MPPT circuit?  The circuit works by reducing the charge current to reduce the input current drawn which allows the panel to float up to a higher voltage.  Can you measure exactly how much power was delivered to the battery and drawn from the panel in each case?  It may be that the MPPT point is very close to where you were operating and that there is only a small change in the amount of power drawn from the panel.  Finally, you are very close to dropout with a 13.4V input and 12V output.  Dropout is very efficient.

  • Hello Chris,

    I think it is a difficult choice.  MTP50P03HDL has VGS_ON  up to 2volt and RDS_ON  25milli ohm.   With 16 volt input and Battery close to 13.5 volt   there is only a window of 2.5 volt for the MOSFET gate(VGS). If   you consider drop due to temperature at the panel and drop in the driver transistor/coil  it would be hard to switch on the MOSFET.  Do you think still it can work?.


  • This thread is quite old.  Could you rephrase your question?  I am unclear what you are asking.

    If you are referencing a circuit, please attach a schematic.

  • Hello Chris,


    I refer  your answer about   MPPT-Based Lead Acid Charger Using bq2031  reference design which reads as below.


    It just needs to be a P-channel FET with sufficient size to handle the power loss and sufficient voltage rating to handle the input voltage.  What is your input voltage?

    Here is a 30V FET that should work: On  MTP50P03HDL ""

    My question is while we use this reference design, for  16volt solar panel to   charge lead acid battery, there is concern about  VGS_ON of MOSFET.

    Since battery charge voltage can go up to 13.5volt there is a small window(16-13.5 =2.5volt)  to be applied to Gate of MOSFET.  The MOSFET  suggested

    by you is rated  for VGS =2volt(max) to turn ON. If you consider drop in drive transistor and drop due to panel temperature above 0.5volt then it would be 

    hard to turn on MOSFET. 

    Please correct me If I am wrong.


    Thanks & Regards,





  • The battery voltage is irrelevant to the PFET.  The controller, bq2031, will drive a level shift circuit that will apply between ground and Vin to the FET's gate.  So, the key thing to watch for is the VGS rating of the FET--make sure this is above the input voltage.  This gate drive circuit is shown here,, where Q4 switches the gate between (nearly) ground and Vin.