I am using a TPS40304 Buck controller in a POL circuit that converts 5VDC to 1VDC at 16A. I currently have three of these circuits on a board powering 3 different loads and 2 of the 3 seem to be working fine, i.e. low ripple voltage and correct output voltage of 1.0VDC. However, one of the circuits (which is identical other than tweaks to layout) has the correct DC voltage but much higher ripple than the other 2. When probing the low side drive and SW pin of the IC, I noticed that this IC is operating at half of the specified 600kHz (300kHz). When checking the other 2, they are indeed operating at 600kHz.
I have checked the markings on the ICs to be sure they are the same part and they are. Any ideas what could cause a shift in the switching frequency since I thought this was a fixed frequency PWM? Could it be caused by noise in the feedback, insufficient soldering of the underside ground pin, etc.? I am using voltage mode control so it would seem that pulse skipping due to minimum duty cycle would be out of the question. The block diagram in the datasheet doesn't give me enough info to determine what might cause a change in switching frequency either.