Hi Team,
I'd like to ask about LM5117.
My customer considers to use LM5117 for following condition.
*Vin:30-65V, Vout:14V, Iout:200A, schematic:following
Accroding to equation(24) in datasheet P.28, the value of current sense resistor(Rs) is calculated 0.5mΩ under this condition.
However, my customer would like to use smaller sense resistor to reduce power dissipation, so he consider to use 0.05mΩ and add external OPAMP(gain:x10).
Is it possible to use extrernal OPAMP to reduce the value of Rs?
If it is practical method, I would also like to know the required specifications of this OPAMP.
Could you advise me please?
Best Regards,
Yaita / Japan disty