I'm trying to build a LED driver. I got a functionnal design with a LM3445. I chose the LM3445 because it offer both phase and analog dimming. My problem is that now, only the phase dimming work (both foward and reverse phase dimming). I need my driver to be able to dimm with 0-10V. The datasheet say about the FLTR2 pin :
"A capacitor tied to this pin filters the PWM dimming signal to supply a DC voltage to control the LED current. Could also be used as an analog dimming input."
My circuit is similar to the circuit from the Application Note 2069 (LM3445 - 230VAC, 6W- 15W Isolated Flyback LED Driver) ( http://www.ti.com/lit/an/snva447b/snva447b.pdf page 2)
Can somebody help me with this problem and explain how the analog dimming works with the LM3445?