I have a general application question regarding the LM2904N. We are currently using the LM2904N Op-Amp in one of our products (schematics are attached as CDR-6406 – Vista Voltage Output Card). Each Op-Amp is being powered by 5 VAC. The output of the Op-Amp is then connected to another board (schematics are attached as CDR-7027 – 5/70 Step transformer board). At this PCB, the 5 VAC output from the Op-Amp goes through a step-up transformer where the voltage is raised to 70 VAC to help power a relay. We’ve been using this Op-Amp for quite some time, but recently, we have been receiving returned units with voltage losses occurring at the Vista Voltage Output Card. We have conducted tests and we were able to confirm the loss of voltage issue. In order to understand the root cause within the Op-Amp, we sent some units for analysis. I can send the analysis reports offline.
I wanted to inquire if you are familiar with this issue we are seeing. If so, what are our options to remedy the issue from occurring? Please advise asap as this is holding our production.