Hi, I have the next DAC7563 design. I've got 3 dac7563, a total of 6 DACs with 6 opa140 to adapt the output signal from 0..5 volts to -5..+5 volts.
I need to feed 3 dacs dac7563 and the 3 opa2140 (6 opa140) and I'm not sure the most efficient way.
I dispose of a source of 12 Volts@1A(max) and I need the following voltages:
1º.- Va = +5 Volts to feed the 3 dac7563 and REF5025.
2º.-I though in use the ultralow-noise TPS7A49 (to get ultralow noise: +Vb = +5V) and TPS7A30(to get ultralow noise: -Vb = -5V) to feed the opa2140 ICs. But my big headache it is to choose an efficiently power switch to convert from 12Volts@1A(max) to 5Volt to feed the DAC7563 and REF5025 and another power switch to convert from 12Volts to +5V and -5V to feed the opa2140. Could anyone help me to choose this ICs?
Thank you so much. Best regards.