The customer would like to use TPS81256 for VDD of TPS53355.
(1) Start Up time
In the TPS81256 datasheet P.5, the start up time from active EN to start switching is 70us.
Please see the attached file as start up sequence of TPS53355/TPS81256.
Could you please let me know the time of the t1 and the t3 in attached sequence ?
I think that the t1 is 70us and the t3 is 250us. Is my understanding correct?
(2) Power Up sequence
Is this power up sequence no problem?
If there is any concern, please let me know.
I believe that there is no problem.
(3) Power Down Sequence
At the power down, VIN of TPS81256/TPS53355 will be off at firstly.
And Enable of TPS81256 and TPS53355 is always ON.
Is this noproblem?
I think that there is no power sequence requirement for TPS53355 but please let me confirm.
Best Regards,
Ryuji Asaka