In the TPS61195 datasheet, the mode as set by SEL1/2, is statically set to either GND, VDDIO, or floated.
For our application we need the ability to change SEL1/2 based upon end-use. The change is semi-static.
That is to say, based upon end-use, the states of SEL1/2 are set (sourced from MSP430 I/O) after a power-up/cycle but prior to first assertion of EN.
The states then remain static until a power-down/cycle.
In the datasheet, I found no mention of acceptable Vilow, Vihigh, Vfloat, or Ileakage characteristics for SEL1/2. Because this IC has other input controls each with differing input characteristics, it seems unwise to simply make a 'best guess' and hope it works.
Can you please provide the following for the SEL1/2 inputs of the TPS61195:
- Vinlow characteristics
- Vinhigh characteristics
- Vinfloat characteristics
- Iinleakage
Thank you.