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LM53603-Q1 tr and tr suggestion?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM53603-Q1, TPS54060, LM53603, LM536035EVM

Can someone make an educated assumption about tr an tf of LM53603-Q1? Their values affect IC Power dissipation. For example in Application report SLVA317B the author made an assumption about TPS54060's tr and Tf (25ns) -> Eq. 16.

Are those values viable for LM53603? Is there a notion about them in the corresponding datasheet? 

Best regards

Yavor Mitev

  • Hello, thank you for your question.

    The rise time and fall time of the switch node are about 3ns each. Basic switching losses inside the high side FET can be calculated with the typical equations for MOSFET switched power supplies. But because it's an integrated synchronous converter, losses for the high side FET and low side FETs need to be taken into consideration, including dead time and reverse recovery.

    We do have an estimate of the IC dissipation at room temperature on a standard EVM (LM536035EVM)

    For Vout=3.3V:

    And for Vout=5V:

    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,

    Florent Boico

  • Thank you, That was an informative answer. It helped.

    May be TI should put those numbers and charts in LM5360x  datasheet.

    Best regards

    Yavor Mitev