Let me confirm about below.
According to datasheet of TPS2552D/3D, there is following description about how to decide RILIM.
"Figure 23 includes current-limit tolerance due to variations caused by temperature and process.
However, the equations do not account for tolerance due to external resistor variation, so it is important to
account for this tolerance when selecting RILIM. The traces routing the RILIM resistor to the TPS255x and
TPS255x-1 must be as short as possible to reduce parasitic effects on the current-limit accuracy."
Datasheet of TPS2552D/3D : http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/slvs841f/slvs841f.pdf
However, when I check TPS2556/7 (these have low "Ron" resistance than TPS2552D/3D), I could NOT find above description in datasheet.
Datasheet of TPS2556/7 : http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/slvs931a/slvs931a.pdf
So, could you please confirm whether "Figure 19. Current-Limit Threshold vs. RILIM" and caluculation formula of (1) of TPS2556/7 include current-limit tolerance due to variations caused by temperature and process or not ?
Best Regards,