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UCD3138 LLC experiment question

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD3138, UCD3138OL64EVM-031

I try use UCD3138 example Lab_4. 

Success  Buck converter close loop.

I some method change Lab_4 to LLC.

This is my LLC circuit:

My UCD3138 platform is UCD3138OL64EVM-031 Rev.A

But not have any output from DPWM0_A and DPWM0_B

#define MAIN 1

#include "system_defines.h"
#include "Cyclone_Device.h"
#include "pmbus_commands.h"
#include "pmbus_common.h"
#include "pmbus_topology.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "software_interrupts.h"
#include "cyclone_defines.h"
#include "stdio.h"

void init_dpwm0(void)
	Uint32 dead_time_1_local;
	Uint32 dead_time_3_local;
	Uint32 clamp_value;
	dead_time_1_local = (pmbus_dcdc_config[0].dead_time_1 + 8) >> 4;
	dead_time_3_local = (pmbus_dcdc_config[0].dead_time_3 + 8) >> 4;
	clamp_value = (((Uint64)pmbus_dcdc_config[0].dead_time_2 * ((1 << 23) - 1)) / (pmbus_dcdc_config[0].max_period * 8));
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL0.bit.PWM_EN = 1;						//1 = Enable PWM
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL0.bit.CLA_EN = 1;						//1 = Enable CLA(PID)
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL0.bit.PWM_MODE = 1;					//1 = Resonant Mode
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL0.bit.RESON_MODE_FIXED_DUTY_EN = 0;	//0 = Duty cycle set by Filter duty
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL0.bit.CBC_ADV_CNT_EN = 0;				//0 = PWM_A and PWM_B operate independently
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL1.bit.HIRES_DIS = 0; 					//0 = Enable High Resolution logic
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL1.bit.CHECK_OVERRIDE = 1;				//1 = Disable	//Bug
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL1.bit.EVENT_UP_SEL = 1; 				//1 = Update End Period Mode at End of Period
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL2.bit.RESON_DEADTIME_COMP_EN = 1;		//1 = CLA Duty form Filter minus deadtime adjustment
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL2.bit.FILTER_DUTY_SEL = 2; 			//2 = DPWM Resonant Duty Register
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMPHASETRIG.bit.PHASE_TRIGGER = 2;			//8ns phase delay
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMINT.bit.PRD_INT_SCALE = 2; 				//interrupt
    Dpwm0Regs.DPWMINT.bit.PRD_INT_EN = 1;					//interrupt
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL1.bit.GLOBAL_PERIOD_EN = 1;			//1 = Event calculations use Global Period register
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMCTRL0.bit.MSYNC_SLAVE_EN = 0;				//0 = PWM not synchronized to another PWM channel
	LoopMuxRegs.DPWMMUX.bit.DPWM0_SYNC_SEL = 0;				//0 = DPWM0 with DPWM0 Sync
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMPHASETRIG.all = 32;						//128ns phase delay
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMEV1.bit.EVENT1 = dead_time_1_local;
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMEV2.bit.EVENT2 = pmbus_dcdc_config[0].min_period * 8 + dead_time_1_local * 16 - pmbus_dcdc_config[0].dead_time_2;
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMEV3.bit.EVENT3 = pmbus_dcdc_config[0].min_period * 8 + dead_time_1_local * 16;
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMEV4.bit.EVENT4 = pmbus_dcdc_config[0].min_period * 16 - pmbus_dcdc_config[0].dead_time_2 + dead_time_1_local * 16;
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMPRD.bit.PRD =	pmbus_dcdc_config[0].min_period;
	Dpwm0Regs.DPWMRESDUTY.bit.RESONANT_DUTY  = (pmbus_dcdc_config[0].max_period + 1) >> 1;
	Filter0Regs.FILTERYNCLPLO.all = clamp_value;
	Filter1Regs.FILTERYNCLPLO.all = clamp_value;
	LoopMuxRegs.FILTERKCOMPA.bit.KCOMP0 = pmbus_dcdc_config[0].max_period;


void init_filter0(void)
	Filter0Regs.FILTERCTRL.bit.PERIOD_MULT_SEL = 1;		//1 = KComp received from Loop Mux module
	Filter0Regs.FILTERCTRL.bit.OUTPUT_MULT_SEL = 3;		//3 = Resonant Duty value received from DPWM Module
	Filter0Regs.FILTERCTRL.bit.FILTER_EN = 1;			//1 = Enables Filter operation
	Filter0Regs.FILTERCTRL.bit.OUTPUT_SCALE = 0;		//0 = No shift
	Filter0Regs.FILTERCTRL.bit.USE_CPU_SAMPLE = 0;		//0= Filter Mode, input data received from EADC

	Filter0Regs.FILTERKPCOEF0.bit.KP_COEF_0 = 1;
	Filter0Regs.FILTERKICOEF0.bit.KI_COEF_0 = 1;
	Filter0Regs.FILTERKDCOEF0.bit.KD_COEF_0 = 0;
	Filter0Regs.FILTERKDALPHA.bit.KD_ALPHA_0 = -1;

    Filter0Regs.FILTERKICLPLO.bit.KI_CLAMP_LOW = 0;

	//LoopMuxRegs.FILTERKCOMPA.bit.KCOMP0 = (PERIOD/2) >> 4; //KCOMP is at 4 ns, period is at 250 ps

void init_loop_mux(void)
	LoopMuxRegs.FILTERMUX.bit.FILTER0_PER_SEL = 0;		//0 = Filter0 form DPWM0
	LoopMuxRegs.FILTERMUX.bit.FILTER0_KCOMP_SEL = 0;	//0 = Filter0 form KCOMP0
	LoopMuxRegs.DPWMMUX.bit.DPWM0_FILTER_SEL = 0;		//0 = DPWM0 duty cycle(resonant period) from Filter0
	LoopMuxRegs.DPWMMUX.bit.DPWM1_FILTER_SEL = 0;		//0 = DPWM1 duty cycle(resonant period) from Filter0
	LoopMuxRegs.DPWMMUX.bit.DPWM1_SYNC_SEL = 0;			//0 = DPWM1 master sync with DPWM0 sync
	LoopMuxRegs.FILTERMUX.bit.FILTER0_FE_SEL = 0;		//0 = Filter0 form Front End0

	//LoopMuxRegs.SAMPTRIGCTRL.bit.FE0_TRIG_DPWM0_EN = 1; //use DPWM0 for filter0 sample trigger

void global_enable(void)			//P.188
	LoopMuxRegs.GLBEN.all = 0x101;

void init_front_end0(void)
	FeCtrl0Regs.EADCDAC.bit.DAC_VALUE = 0;			//1bit=1.5625mV	//range 0V~1.6V	//Ref=0.8V
	FeCtrl0Regs.EADCCTRL.bit.AFE_GAIN = 3;			//
	FeCtrl0Regs.EADCCTRL.bit.SCFE_CLK_DIV_2 = 0;	//0 = 16MHz sampling
	FeCtrl0Regs.EADCCTRL.bit.EADC_MODE = 0;			//0 = Standard mode, EADC samples based on sample triggers from DPWM module
	FeCtrl0Regs.EADCCTRL.bit.AVG_MODE_SEL = 2;		//2 = 8x Averaging mode
	FeCtrl0Regs.EADCCTRL.bit.AVG_SPATIAL_EN = 1;	//

void main()
	volatile unsigned int dummy;
	if(GioRegs.FAULTIN.bit.FLT3_IN == 0)// Re-Check pin assignment (ADC_EXT/SYNC may be?)

	MiscAnalogRegs.CLKTRIM.bit.HFO_LN_FILTER_EN = 0;


//#pragma INTERRUPT(c_int00,RESET)

void c_int00(void)

  • It's harder to go to LLC mode than it looks. For one thing, until you run the DPWM for the first time, it will be loaded with a zero, which goes into the LLC period, making it a zero. We've never bothered to do a pure LLC, because normally you need a mode to handle very light load. Our LLC EVM starts up in PWM mode, and then switches to LLC mode as the filter output increases. I'd suggest looking at the code for that EVM as a guideline. It's really pretty complicated to do it from scratch. That's the reason we provide the EVM codes.
  • Thank you for your reply.
    I just want to Variable Frequency for any load mode(light or heavy load).
    I only trig Vout to Front End.
    Can operation for LLC?
  • I had another question.
    Can I use Ti source code LLCHBFirmware-1.2.
    To modify disable protection and SR DPWM ,etc.
    This can achieve it ?
    Thank you Ian Bower.
  • Today I don't change LLC code. Only used original code download to UCD3138OL64EVM-031. But  I don't connect pin to UCD3138,found my UCD3138 get Vin 48V and Vo . What nappen?