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BQ24040: Charge current limit with BQ24040

Part Number: BQ24040


I have worked some time ago with the BQ24055 charger IC, but because it has recently become NRND, I'm replacing it by the very similar BQ24040. In fact, there are only two differences that I could noticed between the two: the value range for the fast current programming resistor, and the absence of the D+ and D- pins on the BQ24040, which were used in the BQ24055 to detect the power source in order not to overload a USB port capable of providing only 100mA.

And now, isn'it an issue that there isn't this detection? The way I see it, I would have to set a limit of 100mA with the ISET resistor.

Also, without the D+/D- pins, is it necesary to connect this pins from the host to the USB power connector?


Vítor Pereira