I've created a design around the LM5022 as a 1.5A sepic converter. The load can vary, since I am adjusting the output voltage with a feedback but a typical operating range is 24V IN, 18.5V out, 1.5A.
I'm experiencing what I think is an issue with very high temperatures on my power inductor. At 1.25A, 18V I've reached almost 100C (or more), whereas the switching mosfet is relatively cool. This is a lot different than the 4A SEPIC reference design, where the MOSFET is the hottest component.
The output load is a current source driving an LED array, which can be continuous or pulsed (reason for the large bulk capacitance), and has good efficiency and doesnt show significant heating.
What could be happening here? Inductor saturation? Something else?