I'm looking for suggestions on how to approach a design that will control and monitor the charging of multiple NiMH battery packs. Where each pack contains 12 rechargeable D cell NiMH batteries.
Is there a block diagram or reference design that will help me get started??
Current working environment:
One 12 NiMH D Cell battery pack connected to a Battery Charging board via a 4 wire interface: Batt+, Batt-, Temp+, Temp-...where the Temperature is monitored by an attached Thermistor.
Insert a "test board" between battery pack and Charging board to determine:
(A) Is charging board functioning properly:
(A.1) When Charging board notices a low battery charge, does it properly attempt to charge the batteries?
(A.2) When Charging board notices a fully charged pack, does it properly stop charging the batteries?
And (B) Is Battery Pack functioning properly:
(B.1) Will Battery Pack hold a charge?
(B.2) Does Battery Pack overheat when charging?
Additional Features:
C. Expandable to test 1 to 10 Battery Packs at a time (in parallel)
D. Auto detect Battery Chemistry (Current battery is NiMH, but future development will include Li-Ion batteries)