Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78350, BQ78350-R1, BQSTUDIO
Dear Sir,
We are facing reliability issues with the connection between EV2300, BQ76920EVM, BQ78350, Battery Management Studio when operating the guage function IC BQ78350
1. We are facing problem with the connection of the board (BQ76920EVM) with PC using EV2300. It is disconnected automatically after the connection has established.
2. Some times in Battery Management Studio when we press the Data Memory, we are getting Device Sealed error in bottom of left side screen.
3. When we connect the EV2300 USB SMBus with PC we are getting Connected and Disconnected sounds at a same time. But it is actually connected.
4.While following the procedure mentioned in the EVM startup Guide at the step 20 to 26 (under section 2.2.2 Gauge Quick Start ) where we enable the FETs and then calibrate the current.
We are not able to calibrate the current as it is failing ( Screenshot attached ) also the Pack output terminals don't show any voltage after FET is switched on.
Muthu S | FAE
Avnet India Pvt Ltd