I have a prototype board based on the layout and bill of materials of the eval board. The output is set to 13.2v and the input is from a full wave rectifier coming from a transformer. I was doing load step testing and I was stepping from very light loads, less than 30mA or so to full load, about 2amps. I had been testing for many hours and everything was behaving as expected, then for some reason, when I stepped from light load to full load, the output dropped to about 3v and the current dropped to about 400mA. When I took the 2amp load off, the voltage went back to 13.2v, but when I put the full load on again it went back to about 3v with about 400mA. I did this several times taking the load on and off but the condition would not clear. I then removed power and re applied power and the condition cleared itself.
I have since been testing for many hours trying to reproduce this problem and I can't get it to happen again. I've looked at all the signals on the pins and compared them to the eval board and they all seem to look the same except for a slight difference on the Ron pin. I'm not sure if this is of concern or not. I am using a 301k 1% Ron resistor. Any help would be appreciated.