In page 14 of DS, it mentioned the balance current for external circuit. I am confused if the equation is simplifed or not.
Need you comments to provide more detail for Icb1 and Icb2 in exnteral circuit.
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In page 14 of DS, it mentioned the balance current for external circuit. I am confused if the equation is simplifed or not.
Need you comments to provide more detail for Icb1 and Icb2 in exnteral circuit.
Hi Vish,
What I need to put more comments is Fig.11 in DS. I am confused the equation of balance current.
Vish, your calculation for the balancing current makes much more sense than the one in the datasheet:
For me it makes absolutely no sense why RCB1 and RBC2 should influence the balancing current. As far as I see they are only for the RC low-pass filter for the comparators.
Can you confirm, taht the formula in the datasheet is wrong? And what do you expect for RGS_ON (Rint in your image)? 150mOhm?
Edit: The error has been introduced between Revision A (September 2010) and Revision B (December 2014)
Edit2: And for the record: between RevB and RevC the Mosfet Type for external cell balancer changed from enhancement type to depletion type (I guess Rev.C is wrong here, right?)
Thank you, Andy