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Hello! Need help again)) The device's scheme with bq4050 differs from the typical application in datashet in the following points:
1. 2-cell battery, so VC4-VC3-VC2 are shorted
2. No 2-nd level protection use, so FUSE pin is not connected (just in air, mb its thats the reason?)
3. PTCEN and PTC connected to Vss (GND)
4. I used IRF8788 FETs (instead Si7116DN)
5. Used 4 Mohm pull-up resistors on power FETs (but I think its even dont metter)
The problem is: device works well and connected to bqStudio, but FETs ARE CLOSED.. If I apply charger to the battery bypassing FETS, cap. counter works well. Also I can calibrate termal sensors, surrent sensor and cell voltages. But I fets are closed. I can toggle LEDs by command from bq Studio, but display button and command dont do any result on LEDs even the cap. counter have 100% capacity.
Registers screenshot below.