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What IC would you recommend for this sophisticated design - power combining from 2 sources

Hi. I am seeking for help for this kind of design:

My goal is to combine energy from 2 sources, for example, wind and solar. There are several things that I can't figure out, for example, wont feedback of these 2 converters act kinda strange if there are 2 sources?

What IC can you recomend me for this design? I guess less integrated they are better for me to customise this circuit for it to work.

If anyone have different idea about power combining I am open for some tips.

  • Hi Karlis - thanks for posting on TI's E2E forums - can you tell us what output voltage and output current you are designing for?
  • Hi Jim, thanks for reply!

    At the moment the voltage and current requirements are pretty broad.
    Input voltage 10-50V, output voltage actually anything between 10-50V because there will be another dc/dc anyway.
    Power of each source would be around 50-150W. Combined system power should be around 200W.
    But all of these parameters can be changed according to specific IC. Now most crucial is the power combining it self ,and most importantly not just simple load sharing with both sources working with the same power, but ,for example, one source working with 20W while other source gives 100W.

    At this moment, any advice would be valuable.

  • Hello Tucs,

    How about your input source, do they have the same voltage level?

    and according to your topology, you wnat to implement the interleave full bridge forward converter.

    i thing you can consider the full bridge LLC or full bridge phase shift interleave like below:

  • Thanks for reply. Input source would be wind turbine 12 or 24V and solar panel, I still do not know which size, that's why I wrote 10-50V.

    Thanks for the 2 topologies, I will check them out. Any tips about what IC to use for these topologies?
  • Hello Tucs,

    i am not sure this is exactly what you want, but you can refer it:


  • Thanks for reply. I wanted to test this IC in simulation in LTSpice for both types of circuits, one that I proposed and the first one that you proposed, but it seems that this ICs pspice model is crypted so thats sad :/