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I am trying to figure out what caused a failure of 2 of my LM2596-5V parts where they developed low impedance between pin1 and pin 2 of ~49 ohms. They failed in two separate identical setups. Thank you
Please attach your schematic and layout and your input, output and load specs.
Your schematic and layout look good.
Based on this view, I assume those vias are going to a good solid ground plane.
You might want more ground plane on top for heat dissipation; I can not see the entire area.
I would take the FB input directly from C203 rather than the inductor. You can extend the
small trace you have now to tap into the (+) of C203.
However, these issues may or may not influence the problem you are seeing.
Does the damage occur at power up or after a while ??
Can you monitor the input voltage and switch node during a damage event??
Is there a possibility that the input voltage is spiking above the abs max of the device??
Or that some load is pulling Vout below ground??
These things could possibly damage the device.
Can you send a scope shot of both the input voltage and switch voltage during a normal burn-in test; or normal operation.
There may be a clue from the wave forms.
This looks OK.
I would return the damaged devices to TI and we will try to do some FA on them.
Hello Frank,
Thank you so much for your insight and your time. I will return part to TI for FAI.
I enjoyed the session!
Please fill out the attached form and send parts to the following address:
Texas Instruments
2900 Semiconductor Dr.
Bldg. E
Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA
Attention: QEM Administrator
Tel: 669-721-5316