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LM3421: GATE, DDRV sorce, sink current ratings

Guru 20090 points
Part Number: LM3421


In the datasheet P.4 Absolute maximum ratings table, there is the +/-1 mA continuous current ratings for GATE, DDRV pins.
Is this value correct? We might think that the 1mA is typo of 1A.
Also, could you please let me know the peak current ratings of GATE, DDRV if you can share with us?

Best Regards,

  • Hello Ryuji-san,

    The +/-1mA abs max spec is just for an externally forced current. This prevents damage to the ESD structure. But really there should not be a forced current into/out of these pins.

    There isn't really a peak current spec. The peak currents depend on the gate charge of the FET and are limited by the source/sink resistance specified in the datasheet. The only real concern is to keep the sum of the average of the two to less than the VCC current limit. That is basically Qg(SW)*Fsw + Qg(PWM)*Fpwm.

