I am using a TPS7A85 (output = 2.5V) and TPS7A83 (output = 1.5V) to supply power to two separate rails on an IC. I need the TPS7A83 output to come up first, so I increased the soft start cap for the TPS7A85 from 10nF to 100nF; the TPS7A83 soft start cap is still set to 10nF. The feed forward caps for each circuit are set to 10nF.
The TPS7A85 datasheet has opposing statements regarding the time constants for soft start and feed forward:
1. "The CFF time constant must be greater than the soft-start time constant to ensure proper operation of the PG during start-up", page 28
2. "To ensure proper PG functionality the time constant defined by CNR/SS must be greater than or equal to the time constant from the CFF", page 21
Which statement is correct? Table 1 (row 3) in the TPS7A85 datasheet shows that my soft start and feed forward values are OK .. but are they? Once I made the change, the TPS7A85 output appeared unstable and was always lower than 2.5V. Prior to the change, it was working OK. To make matters worse, I changed the soft start cap back to 10nF, and the problem remains.
Additionally, is it OK to tie the PG pins of each LDO together with a pull-up value specified by the range in the data sheet? The pull-up is set to 3.3V, as it is driving a CPLD input with 0/3.3 logic.