Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54560,
Hi Ti,
I am using TPS2378 pairing with the TPS54560 to achieve output 5V@4A. Currently I had tried using the TPS2378EVM-105 to pair with my TPS5460 as per below schematic and found some heat issues.
Input from PSE to supply to TPS54560.
During this connection when I started a load with 5V@250mA the heat at TPS2378 increased to 100degC in few seconds.
1) Could you help to advise what should I rectify with my current TPS2378 design?
2) What is the reasons that cause the TPS2378 temperature going up just in few seconds?
3) What is the Iout(max) able to support by TPS2378? Because it hits up to >100degC and my load current is at 250mA only.