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LM2937: Loop Bandwidth

Guru 11170 points
Part Number: LM2937

Hi all,

How much the loop bandwidth of LM2937 error amp?



  • Hi ACGUY,

    We are looking into this. Due to the age of this device, please allow a few days for our response.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hi ACGUY,

    I apologize for the delay. The bandwidth is 200kHz.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for answer. I do like to add a question.
    Our customer is using this LDO for Vcc of sensor.
    In some individuals, this LDO output has unpredictable voltage fluctuation.

    I think that
    :The absolute value of the FB resistor is large.
    :Ifb is small.
    :A heavy LPF is generated at the input of the error amplifier.
    -> Therefore, the loop bandwidth decreases and occasionally voltage fluctuation occurs.

    Please let me know your opinion.

  • Hi ACGUY,

    Could you help me better understand the nature of your voltage fluctuations? Ideally a scopeshot with Vin, Vout, and Iout would help me better understand what is going on in your application.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hi Ryan,

    I attached the file. Please see it.

    I look forward to reply from you.



    Reg Out Vol.pdf

  • Hi ACGUY,

    Thanks for the scope shot. These scope shots look like a transient response. This implies that either your input voltage, your output load current, or both are changing to cause the temporary shift in output voltage. Are you able to show a scopeshot with Vin, Vout, and Iout? This would help confirm that your current scope shot is showing a transient response.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hi Ryan,

    >> These scope shots look like a transient response.
    I think too. However, customer swaped the LDO to other board, they confirmed this fenomenon is to follow up the individual.
    When using simple resistannce load, a similar phenomenon occurred.
    I think that it is a problem peculiar to some individuals.

    Please let mo know your opinion.

  • Hi ACGUY,

    Please provide a scope shot with Vin, Vout, and Iout. Without the requested scope shot showing all three, we are not able to continue to debug your application.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hi Ryan,

    Please see the attached file.
    I got the waveform.
    This LDO has voltage dip about Δ1.8mV. The cycle and dipping width are undefined.
    Customers use parallel capacitor of aluminum and ceramic for input and output.
    I think that ESR is too low, I will suggest delete ceramics to customer.

    Please let me know your opinion.


    LM2937_Voltage dip.pdf

  • At after that I measured deleted the cera-caps. Situation not changed.

  • Hi ACGUY,

    As  mentioned on your other post (, 1.8 mV delta is well within the tolerance of the LDO.  Any line or load transient could explain the temporary dip but we would need to see Vin, Vout, and Iout on the same scope shot in order to understand if a line or load transient is occurring.  Due to the small magnitude of the temporary delta, it is unlikely that any change in capacitance will have an effect.

    Very Respectfully,
