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TPS3828: Don't Keep the delay time

Part Number: TPS3828

Hi team

My customer happens to problem that the device don't keep the delay time.
The voltage of Vcc downs steep, that level is across the Low .
I think, in this case, Reset pulls up to High level after waiting time of delay, if VCC is back to High level.
However, there are times when such in the customer's device, it does not wait for the specific delay time and it will start up at around 700 μs.

If there's any reason you know that's causing such case, please let me know.

Best regards

  • Hayashi,

    There is no reason the reset delay should be 700us. Do you have scope captures to show VDD, RESET, WDI, /MR pins? Also, is the issue occurring on just one device or multiple devices? Are you using a board that you know is working?

    We will do our best to help get this problem solved.

  • Michael san

    Thank you for your support.
    I reply your following question.

    Scope capture
    I don't have it, I will request to check it.

    Occurring frequency
    In this issue, it is occurred on one device.(the one is tested by worst case)

    Board type
    By my customer designed, we don't check it

    And, I want to know how does the device work about delay time.
    It is neccesary to know how to work for the problem solving

    If you can receive the Email, I send you the scope capture.
    My address is .

    Best regards

  • Hayashi,

    Please send scope captures to thanks!
