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I'm testing my 3.3V 10A buck regulator that uses the LM3150 and I noticed that my High Side Gate signal looks good up to 5A than i starts to have a small dip/drop during he cycle, see screen shots below. Any guidance as due to the cause would be great. The 1st picutre is a screen shot of the gate signal below 5A. The second 2 are different gate signals oveserved above 5A.
I have 300uf on the output, I have a mistake in my part information in altium, My calculations show that I need a minimum of 220uf I would assume I have enough on the output.
I'm looking at the Alternate ripple injection section of AN-1900 how do you caclulate the vaules of Rr,Cr and Cac? When I add anything to this node or to Cff the ouput no longer regulates to 3.3V using the resistor values found using Vout=Vfb x (Rfb1+Rfb2)/Rfb1.
I normally follow this equations for calculating the Ripple injection portion of it
How to design a stable Fly-Buck™ converter with COT (Part 1)
I used the formulas found in the referenced materials and I still have a stability issue, when I add Rr=10k, Cr=.01uf and Cac=0.22uf it changes my output voltage from 3.3V to 4.5 - 4.8V (not stable) as well as the switching frequency goes from 300kHz to 430kHz. I didn't see any of this during my initial testing with a resistive load, I then moved it to power my PCB and saw that my upper FET was at 140°C after 10 minutes and started to probe with a scope. I now have the instability issue with a resistive load also, is there a chance the IC is damaged?