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TPS7A90: LDO as a load switch

Part Number: TPS7A90


My application has a sensor which requires regulated voltage for precise measurement, also requires it to be low-powered so I need to turn off the sensor when not in use. I have seen that Iq and I shutdown are low for LDO. Can I use it as a load switch as well?


Prudhvi Sagar

  • Hi Prudhvi,

    yes, this should work.

    Which sensor are you planning to use?

  • Hello Kai,
    I am planning use the sensors fromMaxbotix.

    Prudhvi Sagar
  • Hi Prudhvi,

    this should work.

  • Hi Prudhvi,

    Are you intending to use TPS7A90 as an LDO or a Load Switch? From your statements it sounds like you are intending to use the TPS7A90 as an LDO in order to regulate the output voltage and that you simply need to enable/disable the LDO in your application. A load switch is a different type of application (you can read more about load switches here: ). Do you need a load switch or is the enable function of the LDO enough to satisfy your application requirements?

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hello,
    Thank you for the support. Leakage current (2.3) is not an issue as TPS7A90 also has low Q, shutdown and ground current. I need to check slew rate (2.4) and power down rate (2.5). Other than these can there be any more issues?

    Prudhvi Sagar
  • HI Prudhvi,

    As long as VOUT is set higher than VIN, the LDO will operate as a switch. The TPS7A90 is a good choice, I think you may want to look at the TPS7A35 as well.


  • Hello, 

    If Vout is set higher than Vin LDO will not work right? TO turn OFF the LDO I can directly use EN pin right?


    Prudhvi Sagar

  • Hi everybody,

    I think there's a bit confusion about the term "load switch". Prudhvi has a sensor which he wants to turn-on by just applying a supply voltage. And he wants to turn-off the sensor by ramping down this supply voltage. That's why he wants to use a voltage regulator with an output enable.

  • Hello,
    I am slightly confused now whether to use it or not :(.

    Mu requirements:
    I need my sensor to get regulated voltage.
    I need to turn it off using a GPIO pin
    I need the device to consume less power when turn off

    Prudhvi Sagar
  • Hi Prudhvi,

    I see no problems. I give you a "go".

  • Hi Prudhvi,

    Thank you for confirming that you are using TPS7A90 as an LDO rather than a load switch.  You can drive the EN pin of the TPS7A90 with your GPIO.  When Ven is logic high, the LDO will regulate the voltage for your sensor.  When Ven is logic low, the TPS7A90 will consume 0.1 uA typically (15 uA max) and the output rail will be discharged through the active discharge resistance of 250 Ohm.

    Very Respectfully,
